Well, another day, another victim...so, who is it today that I'm going to target with an embarrassing picture, you ask?
It's Jimbo! Or I'm going to call him Jimbo, mostly because he's a tree, and probably has some tree name like "Leaf" or "Wind Rattler" or something. Jimbo was this tree that I used to hang out under in grade school, when I wasn't playing Frisbee or freeze tag, or playing with one of those old parachutes that probably got donated to our school from a World War II surplus shop.
Yeah, Jimbo, you were a great friend then, but have you left any comments on our blog. NO! You haven't even been by to see the site! I'm sure you could get some neighberhood kids to hammer in some nails, you know, make a rough antenna of some kind, there's tons of free internet-accessing waves bouncing around out there, OK? Geez, make a little effort once in a while!
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