Thankfully, she has really shown a LOT of improvement over the past couple of weeks, and we no longer feel like she's unhappy. Best of all, though, is the news that it looks like we're going to be able to get her into the Best Friends dog sanctuary in Utah, which is the same place a lot of the abused Pits in the Mike Vick case ended up. They do really great things there for dogs that otherwise almost certainly would not have a good outcome.
So, a bleak poem, but a bright future for Tula! : )
if it’s windy out, it’s just the atmosphere that’s playing
hot and cold air, with some pressure changes too
and if it’s cold, it’s just an earthly tilting
counting off another lonely year
and it’s my job to be your only buffer
warmth from cold, and calm from storm
and everything, and everything
and always, and forevermore
but it won’t work, it never works
that way, or even nearly like
and my successes skim the pool
and leave untroubled
that great night
I fear for you,
when I can't understand
at all the thing I fear
and so I mourn imaginary loss
and cheat the demon once again
anticipating, in our quickening,
the moment that at last I'll have to mourn
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