
Stacey's PEEVE O'THE WEEK!!!

Greetings, my undoubtedly attractive, well educated, and totally imaginary audience! Today's post is, for me, a bit of a letdown, I must confess. I had composed( in my head) a brilliant, moving post, grousinatin' about PEOPLE WHO "DIS" BRETT FAVRE! That was, however, before he threw that stupid interception and sent the (I can't stand them super icky) GIANTS to the Superbowl. I must admit that, even I, now, almost, almost want to "dis" him myself. Almost.

So instead, you will be treated to a topic that is an old standby for any Grumpy Old Man: TEENAGERS!!! Now, I'm not completely heartless, I well remember my own days as a teen, wondering if those hoop skirts made my butt look fat, silently avowing that the next time Bobby Joe McDanahan dipped my pigtails in the inkwell I would either kick his ass or marry him, Gol-durn it!!! Nonetheless, I know full out idiocy when I see it.

...looking around for a lizard man...

So the other day I was walking a dog in a lovely, scenic little park complete with a large pond/small lake, right across the street from the local high school. I noticed a group of six girls standing out in a circle on the ice, about ten feet from the edge of the pond. Now, I thought this was rather alarming, because here in Colorado, unlike some God-forsaken place like Green Bay, we actually get periods of warm weather interspersed with our cold, but not even THAT cold, weather. For 3 days before this, the weather had been over 40 degrees and sunny.

Therefore, I thought they were more than a little loony to not only be that far out on the ice, but that far out in a big group of six, at LEAST 600 lbs o'peoples!!!! But, they didn't seem to be crashing through the ice, so I just kept one hand on my cell phone Just In Case. So then, one of them went a little closer to the shore and picked up a really big rock, seriously, if it had been any larger and styro-foamy-er I would have started looking around for a lizard man, because THEN she lifted it up over her head and SMASHED it onto the ice RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER FEET!!! I couldn't believe it. Then she walked out about 5 more feet AND DID IT AGAIN!! AND AGAIN!! AND AGAIN!!! I was thinking "my God, this MORON is going to drop herself into the water and I'M going to have to heroically jump in and save her and freeze my ASS off!!! Then, she stopped. And I thought, I AM SAVED! But then, the other five girls wandered out to the middle of the lake/pond, which would be bad enough WITHOUT the fact that there was a FOUNTAIN going in the middle of the pond, with a 20 foot radius of completely unfrozen water around it!! And 2 of the girls went, I swear, to within ONE FOOT of the unfrozen part, and just stood there, looking down at the water and waiting to DIE!!!

At this point I just gave up on them entirely, thinkin' ol' Darwin must know what he's talkin' about, and took the dog home. On my way back, no-one was there. So, either they all went back to class never to know how close they came to KILLING ME, or, they all DIED!!!! We may never know. Or, want to know. Or care even if we did know. So there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's a great story. Why can you never find a jack-hammer when you really need one?