
Stacey's PEEVE O'THE WEEK!!!

All right, All right, I know--my post this week should be people who SAY they're going to post on Monday but don't until Wednesday. But, I'm not going to write about that. I'm not even going to humor you by putting it in BIG LETTERS!!!

What I am going to write about is BAD PRODUCT PLACEMENT!!! Nadi and I are finally getting around to watching that "Comanche Moon" miniseries that we DVPVRWhatevered. Now, I have to admit that we DO skip through the commercials, but I noticed little glimpses of: Diaper Commercials! Slimfast commercials! LeanCuisine (or whatever) commercials! These are NOT my favourite commercials! I HATE these commercials! Now, I used to watch a few of those daytime home improvement shows aimed DIRECTLY at women, and yes, I had to suffer through these exact commercials and WORSE. And, if I remember correctly, they were not taped, so I actually had to WATCH them. I saw more than enough naked baby bottoms and tampons being dipped into blue liquid to last my lifetime, lemme tell ya.

...Chinos, Attractive But Not Sexy Campshirts, and MORE!...

The worst were the ones with perky housewives (who all shop at "Chinos, Attractive But Not Sexy Campshirts, and MORE!") wearing slightly disapproving but mostly amused expressions, while reaching for paper towels while their children, WHO ARE OLD ENOUGH TO CLEAN UP THEIR OWN GODDAM MESSES OR NOT MAKE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE wear Huck Finn grins and run off to play. Man, it makes me want to beat my own children, and I don't even have any. It makes me want to beat my OVARIES!!! But, having said that, at least those are logical commercials for the given audience. Certainly overweight baby-wielding women are NOT the main audience for a Western?? You know, cut from a scalping to "shoes on sale now at PAYLESS!" Hmmmmm.......

However, this weirdness is still better than scenario 2. So, you're sitting there watching House MD, CSI, or I guess if you're a doofus, Grey's Anatomy, or something. Someone has just lifted up a giant mass of skin and internal organs, and said something like "this is what we found in his stomach!" or "this is all the killer left of him!" then WHAMMO they cut to a Domino's commercial with Xtra gratuitous slimy cheese being stretched all over blood red sauce and meaty chunks of, well, meat. Or "New at Ruby Tuesdays, gourmet Angus burgers, Xtra pink and juicy!" Yeah, no thanks, I've got my own regurgitated dinner over here to enjoy. Again. Doesn't anybody think about these things??? Aaah, I fear, only myself. Happy ta point that out for ya, there, for you to think about. I'm sure you're Sooooo Happy!

So, who says you can't learn nothin' on the internets. Not from me maybe, but there is, like, Wikipedia and stuff. So go there now! And stop watching TV! Because it's gross. Especially the diaper commercials.

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