

I've been foiled by the googlewebs...so Stacey and I thought we'd get all fancy-pantsy and get a real got-durned web address of our very own, The Karmic Desk, we thought, it'd be the ticket to huge readership, fame and fortune.

Unfortunately, somehow the process of registering a domain through Google itself didn't work for us, even though they promised it would be easier than falling off a greased pig that was standing on a log! Curse you, lady Technology, for your come-hither stare and your easy indifference to the human suffering that you yourself have created! Except that I guess we created you, meaning Technology, so the metaphor is not quite right there, somehow.

Nonetheless, if anyone out there has any idea what CNAME's are and/or how I can actually point my spanking new domain name to our pitiful, creaking old blog, there's a shiny new nickel in it for you! And by nickel, I mean absolutely nothing. And by THAT, I don't mean that I don't mean anything by it, I just mean you'll get absolutely nothing, which people seeking nirvana would seemingly greatly prefer to a nickel anyway, so just think of it as my way of helping you become enlightened. Although, to be honest, if I'm coming back to this planet through reincarnation, I think I'd rather take my chances for a while as somewhat lower lifeforms, what with the global warming and the potential for radiation and pollution and whatnot...how much wrong do you think I'd have to do in one lifetime to come back as a cockroach?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


this might help