I think I'm going to take a little time off, at least from trying to post creative writing type stuff...everything seems like it comes out like I'm either depressed, or psychotic, or both, lately.
So, Stace, feel free to clear out some of your backlog of material that's just waiting for that final polish to be applied to it, and I'll try to chime in with some "real life" stuff now and then...let's see...
1. Work sucks
2. We have a couple of cute foster-foster puppies (we're just keeping them for a quarantine period for other foster parents because it's easier for us)
3. Work sucks
I think that about covers it! Let the hiatus begin!
Awwwh! This was actually one of my favorite short stories yet... not that the guy was particularly likeable (you could after all imagine yourself as the barista or one of the other clients getting hassel-hoffed by him), but because you could empathize with him nonetheless. I mean, we've probably all felt inconsequential at one point, right? Take a very brief hiatus, please! Oh, and, foster puppy pics? please?
Awwwh! This was actually one of my favorite short stories yet... not that the guy was particularly likeable (you could after all imagine yourself as the barista or one of the other clients getting hassel-hoffed by him), but because you could empathize with him nonetheless. I mean, we've probably all felt inconsequential at one point, right? Take a very brief hiatus, please! Oh, and, foster puppy pics? please?
I can confirm, work sucks. Now if it didn't suck, would it be work?
Oh, one other thing I was meaning to bring up. You apparently didn't put one of the new coversheets on your TPS reports. You see, we're putting the coversheets on all TPS reports. Did you get the memo about this?
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