

Remember when everything was just like it is now, except crappier?  You probably don't, even though it probably was.  That's the way we all are, remembering things as being better back then before we all sold out to the man, etc.

Well, sometimes you have cold, hard proof to back up your idyllic remembrances, and sometimes you have what I now have, which is cassettes of your old musical "performances" that you can now dump onto your computer and share with the world.  The mp3 player at the top left of the blog is now filled with six of our earliest "demos", back when we were calling ourselves Disturb the Universe.  Listen at your own peril.

Just to add insult to injury, the seventh song on the playlist is a medley of "The sound of silence" and "Bridge over troubled water" that Randy Wuensche, Chris Wenz and I did for our senior year band/choir recital type night.  The best part is the piano playing, which was actually done by another student, not a teacher,  I can't recall her name at the moment, but she was really good.  Maybe Mark will chip in with a comment and give us her name...

So, listen and weep, chumps.  : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for invite Spencer. I will save the link from now on.

We did sound good that night, the loud slamming, baby crying, former Yugoslavia-like war noises not withstanding in the background.

Your site is cool man. Really cool. Sorry about your pets. We just added two hamsters to the Wuensche stable. The girls are quite pleased with them, although I must say that their late-night wheel runs and scampering paws are somewhat troublesome.

Sports news here is slow. Astros are actually winning a few games so we desperate Houston fans are excited, sort of. I'm ready for football. Big time.

Hope you are all well.

God's blessings and chat at you soon and more often (promise).
