
life is stupid and it sucks

I have had the extreme misfortune to have had the opportunity to write premature eulogies lately to two pets now; one of which became tragically appropriate a few months later, and one which we're still hoping to make irrelevant.  Our cat, Emmett, is at the vet being treated right now pretty much around the clock, and the prognosis is still not good, although he's hanging in there.  What follows is the result of an overabundance of grief and the effects of recently having read William Faulkner.  Please keep Emmett, and Heidi and I, in your thoughts.  I'll update on his condition as we keep being updated ourselves.

it was bright pink flowers and some bright yellow like daffodils and the green of stems in a birthday bouquet and the corpse white of lilies thrown in and it was perfect for what it was and for six ninety-nine or eight it was what it was and the flowers were nice in a vase with the stems trimmed maybe a little too short and arranged to where the white and the pink and the yellow were almost irresistible and so they maybe were on the first night and getting home to the cats' mess of them and the bleed of pink into the water like chum for sharks it wasn't real the bright pink petal was a carnival poster come-on color washing out into a pink like blood in the water and there wasn't much mess after all a little bit eaten and a few petals fallen down now white like paper with the lily white of the flesh damaged too but not much not too much but enough to so the cat (the youngest one) plucked from a tree in a small town in Texas took a mouthful of the lily of the valley of the shadow of a few bites maybe at the most but it was more than he needed and more than he could have known because who could have known and who didn't know that it was in his blood now and it was real now like the pink in the water acute renal failure was what they called it but it was Emmett on the counter and the lily flesh white and the carnival pink and it was real enough now and too late to know too late that lilies for a small Texas cat are pink in the water like blood like corpse white now

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